Healthy rise for GP Notional rent

September 4, 2012

Average notional rent increases of 9.68 per cent are being reported for doctors’ surgeries in the first two quarters of 2012.

But a firm of surveyors claims some practices are reluctant to pursue their rent reviews in 2012
because they are concerned that their level of rent reimbursement would be cut and leave them out
of pocket.

GP Surveyors director Chris Johnson said: ‘If surgeries know they are due a review but haven’t
yet heard from the PCT, they must be proactive and initiate the process with them because our
figures show that they could be missing out on a 10% funding boost.

‘Given that this is a time of great change for GPs, there has never been a more important time for
surgeries to ensure that they are getting the level of rent reimbursement that they are entitled to’.
He said his firm’s statistics were ‘very encouraging’ following recent news stories about notional
rent rises being lower than in the past.

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